The Brigade Business Breakthrough Blog

Selling Your Business? Read Me First!

November, 16 2014

Can you imagine working in the same business for 40 years? I hope to be doing just that right here at Brigade ...

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Concerned About Healthcare Coverage and Your Taxes?

November, 9 2014

Isn’t it great that the negative ads of this year’s midterm elections are over? What a nasty race for Florida governor! ...

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The Client Knows Best!

November, 1 2014

This week I celebrated a big milestone. Brigade Bookkeeping (formerly DM Accounting) is now six years old. Over the ...

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3 Tips for a More Equal Work/Life Balance

October, 26 2014

This past week, I went on an amazing retreat for lawyers. Yes, I said lawyers. I wasn’t lost, but rather a guest and ...

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Money Savings Decisions

October, 18 2014

Will I have enough for retirement? There are quite a few people I know who are turning the big 4-0! When I was a kid, I ...

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How to Hire the Right Talent

October, 10 2014

Last week, we talked about turning what you love into a business. So now that your business is growing, what’s next? ...

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Love What You Do? 5 Steps to Turn It Into a Successful Business

October, 3 2014

The worst of the recession may be over, but recently, I have started to take on new clients, who were let go and now ...

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Who’s in Our Brigade? Say Hello to Elena!

September, 27 2014

Say hello to Elena! Our company name may have changed to Brigade Bookkeeping, but our friendly and competent staff is ...

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How the Brigade Can Help You

September, 23 2014

Here I am, getting it all in order! Getting a company makeover is just what we needed. As the new Brigade Bookkeeping, ...

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