The Brigade Business Breakthrough Blog

Who’s in Our Brigade? Meet Jenny!

February, 14 2015

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day! I did (thank you Will Manso)! In the spirit of love and in this Valentine’s ...

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Take Action: Own Your Goals

February, 8 2015

I recently attended a fantastic seminar filled with lots of information for small and medium-sized business owners. One ...

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Attention Small Business Owners: Don’t Procrastinate Pay Your Taxes Now

February, 1 2015

Why is it that the news always has a reporter standing by the mailbox on April 15th, interviewing last minute ...

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Is Paid Sick Leave the Answer to Keeping Employees Happy?

January, 27 2015

Last week, I watched President Obama deliver the State Of The Union address. I’m not a hugely political person, so I ...

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Brigade’s Own Hero: Meet Nely Oaks

January, 18 2015

It’s still January, so I can still say, Happy New Year! For me personally, 2014 brought so many changes. We changed the ...

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4 Year End Tasks to Start 2015 Off Right!

December, 22 2014

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Brigade Bookkeeping house, many creatures were calculating by using ...

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Make Sure You Get Paid!

December, 16 2014

Don’t you hate it when people say they’re going to do something and they don’t do it or don’t come through? It happens ...

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Bah-Humbug to Backlogged Billing

December, 6 2014

This year has gone by way too fast. We’re already in the second week of December and 2014 is coming to a close. For ...

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Who’s in Our Brigade? Say Hello to Chrissy!

November, 22 2014

This week we officially give thanks for our family, friends and those special people in our lives. But I consider every ...

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