The Brigade Business Breakthrough Blog

New Tax Deadlines

October, 30 2016

So last week we talked about how this is a great time to get your books together if they’re not in order already. This ...

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3 Tips for Businesses to Beat the Year End Rush

October, 23 2016

Can you believe Halloween is almost here and October is almost over? Before you know it, we’ll be opening Christmas and ...

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Attention Small Businesses Affected By Hurricane Matthew

October, 16 2016

Are you a small business owner affected by Hurricane Matthew? Have you lost revenue, equipment or suffered damage ...

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Hurricane Matthew Aftermath: Don’t be Taken By a Fake Charity

October, 9 2016

I hope this blog finds you and your family safe from Hurricane Matthew. South Florida dodged the worst of it, but other ...

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Don’t Play The Fool: IRS Issues Warning About Tax Scams

October, 2 2016

We hear about it all the time on the news, people being taken by scam artists with a fake letter from Nigeria or a ...

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App Alert: Best Apps to Help With Your Bookkeeping Expenses

September, 25 2016

Are you a small business owner, who is keeping track of your own books? Or do you have a bookkeeper, but no way to ...

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Does Your Bookkeeper (NOT US) Suck?

September, 18 2016

Last week, I reminded all the small business owners out there, who got extensions on their 2016 tax returns, to file ...

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Fire Your Mom: A Lesson in Bookkeeping and Corporate Taxes

September, 11 2016

There is so much buzz and news coverage about the April deadline to file personal taxes with the IRS. But if you’re a ...

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I Do: To File or Not to File Jointly

August, 28 2016

I hope you survived the back to school traffic this week; it’s been crazy! Last week we spoke about how to talk to your ...

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