The Brigade Business Breakthrough Blog

5 Steps for Business Owners to Improve Work/Life Balance

May, 21 2017

I can’t believe this year I’ll be entering my 14th year in business and in public accounting and bookkeeping. I’ve told ...

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Top 5 Worries for Small Business Owners

May, 14 2017

There are more than 28 million small business owners in the United States. Those businesses hire close to 60 million or ...

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4 Steps to Winning a Government Contract

May, 7 2017

This past week, the U.S. officially celebrated Small Business Week. Every year, since 1963, the President of the United ...

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Small Biz 101: How to set up effective quarterly goals

April, 30 2017

I love all of my clients, but I really love my small business owners! Most of us either are or have once been small ...

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4 Steps to Create a Scholarship Fund

April, 23 2017

I did it again and no, I’m not singing the Brittany Spears song. My team and I ran the FICPA Education Foundation 28th ...

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Paying it Forward

April, 17 2017

When I was a little girl growing up, I never dreamed I would be an accountant or bookkeeper. I was supposed to get ...

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You Didn’t File Your Taxes Yet?

April, 9 2017

Have you tossed and turned all night thinking about your taxes? If you own a business, April 18th is the deadline to ...

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Don’t Be a Casualty of Ransomware

April, 2 2017

If a bad guy with a gun says, “Put your hands up!” you would probably do it. But what would you do if someone makes the ...

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“I Do”: When Married Couples Are in Business Together

March, 26 2017

I used to visit a very famous Chinese restaurant,

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