The Brigade Business Breakthrough Blog

Is Your Accountant Using the Latest Technology?

March, 11 2018

In today’s world, technology changes at a moment’s notice. The Samsung 9 is almost out on the market, Apple’s iPhone 8 ...

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Innovative Time Sheet Solutions

March, 4 2018

Do you have trouble getting your employees to do their time sheets? Do you get invoices from vendors months after the ...

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Would you know what to do during workplace violence?

February, 18 2018

This week, in nearby Broward County, 17 people died in a mass shooting. These students, teachers and coaches were ...

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Bonus Payments Are Subject to Income Tax

February, 11 2018

Do you shop at Home Depot? Well, the helpful people that work there are about to get bonuses! Home Depot is the latest ...

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Fitness Benefits: Good for employees and the bottom line

February, 4 2018

Was your New Years Resolution to lose weight? Have you already cheated or missed the gym? If so, you’re not alone. ...

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Where do you fall: The new 2018 tax brackets

January, 28 2018

On January 1st of this year, a new tax law went into effect that changed tax brackets for the first time in more than ...

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Learning from a government shutdown

January, 20 2018

Up until the time of this writing, negotiations were still underway to avoid a shutdown of the U.S. Federal government. ...

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Take action on your goals

January, 14 2018

Every year, I start off writing down ideas that I have been meaning to implement, but didn’t get around to. Then from ...

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Financial Resolutions for Revenue Growth

January, 7 2018

Happy New Year! It has been a couple of weeks since I’ve posted. Not only did I take a little blog break, but a holiday ...

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