The Brigade Business Breakthrough Blog

Productivity Boosts and Busts

June, 9 2019

If your go-to productivity booster is coffee, and then, more coffee (or tea, or those energy drinks) I have bad news ...

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Team Building for Success: Don’t Forget to Have Fun!

June, 2 2019

One of the “secrets” to our success is that we genuinely like each other. Yes, the everyday stress of the job is still ...

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Expand Your Audience on Social Media

May, 26 2019

There’s an interesting story behind one of my recent social media posts on our company Facebook page. It performed well ...

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Lending a Helping Hand: Ideas to Boost Your Community Involvement

May, 19 2019

I am fully invested in the community in which Brigade Bookkeeping operates. I care tremendously about what happens here ...

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What to Do and Not Do: 401(k)s and the 3 Stages of your Career

May, 12 2019

Retirement is nothing like it was for our parents or grandparents. I have relatives who, in their day, could rely on a ...

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3 Surprising Ways to Get Scammed and How to Keep It From Happening to You

May, 5 2019

Did you know, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), small businesses are more likely to be ...

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Including Fitness in Your Work Routine

April, 28 2019

Here are a few facts that stopped me in my tracks—or in this case, made me want to run around the track!

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Are You Prepared to Offer Health Insurance? Part 2: Plan Options

April, 21 2019

In our last blog, we spoke about the monetary costs of providing health insurance to your employees and the intangible ...

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Are You Prepared to Offer Health Insurance? Part 1: First, consider the ALL of the costs

April, 14 2019

Have you thought about offering employee health insurance? If you have fewer than 50 full-time employees, you are not ...

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